Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Minutes...Aug. 11, 2009

Odebolt-Arthur Education Foundation

The Odebolt-Arthur Education Foundation met at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 11, 2009, in the MPR at the O-A Community School. Members present included Carol Auen, Kevin Carstensen, Pam Hansen, Carolyn Hoelscher, and Jason Wulf. Beth Wulf was
also in attendance.

Vice-president Jason called the meeting to order. The annual meeting of the O-A Education Foundation scheduled for July was not held due to the lack of a quorum.

A review of the directors and their terms was held. Jason nominated Carol Auen as a new director, seconded by Carolyn. Motion approved. Jason also nominated Beth Wulf as a new director, seconded by Carol, and approved. Alex Murphy has served a one year term and his term has now expired. Jason appointed Carol to a 3-year term and Beth to a 1-year term. The officers will remain the same as they serve a 2-year term.

Carol reported she received a donation from the Class of 1949.

United Funds of Odebolt, Inc. does not have our foundation listed on their form this year.
However, anyone may donate to our foundation and the money will be distributed to us.
Joan Godbersen said that the O-A Education Foundation will be added when new forms are printed.

Carol distributed the four applications for O-A Education Foundation mini-grants.
They included:
1. Creative Sewing ($899.00) by Joan Wiese.
2. MicroKiln Plant Life Enameling ($552.84) by Twyla Godbersen.
3. Second Step: A Violence Prevention Curriculum ($1,260.46) by Joleen Brady.
4. Laptops for TAG ($3,000.00) by Katie Bergman.
The applications were reviewed and a discussion was held. Kevin moved that we accept Twyla Godbersen’s mini-grant, seconded by Pam, motion approved. Pam moved we accept Joan Wiese’s mini-grant, seconded by Carol, motion approved. Kevin moved that we table the mini-grant applications from Joleen Brady at the present time, seconded by Jason. Carol will send an email to Ms. Brady requesting additional information. Jason moved that we table the mini-grant from Katie Bergman, seconded by Kevin. Carol will email Ms. Bergman requesting more information. The O-A Education Foundation needs to follow up on the mini-grants that are awarded. It was suggested that O-A Education Foundation members visit the school to examine our purchases. We should also put an article and photo in The Chronicle for publicity. Foundation Fling sponsors will then be able to see what their donations have helped purchase for the children and for our school.

We were reminded to be thinking of new members and invite them to our next meeting. Ron and Jenny Sorensen have indicated an interest in serving as committee members. The date for the annual fundraiser will be scheduled at our next meeting. We will meet at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 23 at United Bank of Iowa or at the café. We adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Secretary Pro-tem,

Pam Hansen

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