Tonight we met in the Conference Room at the school so that this group could get reorganized to carry on our mission to financially support educational opportunities for our students. Those present were: Pam Hansen, Bob Auen and Carol Auen. Resignations were acknowledged from Jason Wulf, Beth Wulf, Carolyn Hoelscher, and Vicki Beckman. Curt Wareham also resigned as president. Bob Auen agreed to fill one of the vacancies. After checking the by-laws, a minimum of 5 persons are needed to serve as directors. Therefore, at this time, the directors are Pam Hansen, Bob Auen, Carol Auen, Kristie Dewey, Kevin Carstensen, Roger Buehler, and Curt Wareham.
Officers were elected as follows: President, Carol Auen; Vice President, Bob Auen, and Secretary/Treasurer, Pam Hansen.
We reviewed the Endow Iowa Fund having a current balance of $3,310.18. It was agreed upon to send $6,580.05 from our local account to our Endow Iowa Fund. The $125 that was received previously as donations for the fine arts departments, will be given to the High School Music Department.
It was also decided to offer the funds raised from GoodSearch and GoodShop annually to a different department/classroom/school group, etc. Requests can be made prior to the beginning of each year. The OABCIG High School Music Department will be the recipients for 2011.
Pam Hansen reported information for a possible fundraiser. She will gather some more information and we will meet again as we all agreed that some sort of event is needed to increase awareness of the foundation as well as raising funds for our cause. We also discussed presenting information at the all-school banquet that will be held in June. Volunteers are needed to serve on committees to help promote the foundation and to help with any events that may take place.
Carol asked about the possibility of the Education Foundation being the sponsors of the All-School reunions since we are directly related to the alumni/education. Pam will inquire at the next meeting of those working with the reunion for this year. The next meeting will be held soon so that we can decide on our next fundraising event and get a date set.
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